Early warning signs of different types of eye cancer
Cancer that begins in the eyeball, or nearby parts, such as eyelids or tear ducts, is known as eye cancer. All forms of eye cancer are extremely rare. Of these, some common types of eye cancer include uveal melanomas and retinoblastoma. Most people do not have symptoms of eye cancer unless it grows in certain parts of the eye or becomes more advanced. As the condition develops, one may experience the following symptoms: Symptoms of choroidal melanoma Choroidal melanoma affects the tissue that covers the middle layer of the eye. Symptoms of this condition include: Detached retina if the tumor grows large enough A dark growth in the eye that may only be visible as a shadow at the back of the eye Vision changes, such as blurred vision or lights flashing Eye floaters, or specks that move around in someone’s field of vision Pressure in the eye Pain in the eye or the surrounding areas Symptoms of conjunctival melanoma When cancer begins in the outer tissue that covers the eye (conjunctiva), it is called conjunctival melanoma. Some warning signs of this type of eye cancer include: Elevated, dark growths in the eye that may look like small moles or freckles Vision changes, such as blurred vision, vision loss, or lights flashing A spot in the eye that grows or changes Symptoms of retinoblastoma This is the most common form of eye cancer that begins in one’s childhood.