5 signs it’s time to end online therapy sessions
In today’s fast-paced world, online therapy has become an avenue for people to take a break and care for their mental health without taking too much time out of their busy schedules. However, at some point during this process, one might find oneself at a fork where one needs to decide whether to continue with the therapy or not. Here are some signs that it may be time to put an end to online therapy sessions. Reaching a plateau During an online therapy session, it is important to discuss new insights, exercises, approaches, or strategies that can positively impact one’s life. However, this begins to diminish with time, resulting in a plateau. At this point, the therapist may not have any new advice to share, making therapy feel like a pointless expense. Depending on one’s overall health, one should talk to the therapist about terminating the treatment, and the possibility of speaking to a new therapist. Lack of things to talk about With repeated online therapy sessions, the same stories are bound to resurface. However, if one notices that the pattern is repeating over and over again, it may be time to consider terminating the sessions. This can be an indicator that the underlying cause is not being addressed, resulting in a cycle of repeated sessions.