8 foods best avoided by those with hyperkalemia
Our body needs a multitude of vitamins and minerals to function properly. But if the body experiences either a deficiency or excessive availability of these compounds, it can lead to side effects. Potassium is an essential mineral that, when available more than required, can cause hyperkalemia. The normal potassium level in the blood is 3.5 to 5 mmol/L. Anything above that can be fatal, and avoiding foods rich in this particular mineral is necessary. Banana Banana is one of the first foods that come to mind when considering potassium. The general potassium content in a banana is estimated at 422 mg. Due to this high potassium content, this fruit is considered an athlete’s best friend. However, for those with hyperkalemia, it can be potentially dangerous. In such cases, it is better to snack on fruits like berries and apples. Beans and legumes Beans and legumes are common protein sources for vegetarians and vegans. However, they are also a reliable source of high potassium content in daily food. Pinto and lima beans have approximately 300 mg of potassium per half cup. When regular intake is considered, it amounts to a higher number. Dried fruits The nutrient density in dried fruits as compared to fresh fruits is higher.