6 mistakes employers must avoid while running a daycare
A daycare program is a wonderful childcare initiative that enables parents to work while trained professionals look after their children throughout the day. However, from a business perspective, running a daycare demands much effort. Employers must think about hiring the right professionals and about ways to get parents to enroll their kids in the program. However, apart from being aware of these steps, there are certain mistakes one must be mindful of and avoid. Poor marketing strategy One cannot open a daycare and expect clients to walk in. No business can run successfully without a proper marketing strategy in place. Individuals running daycare services can post flyers in their local area, run advertisements online, and spread the word about their initiative to attract potential parents. Individuals could also print unique selling points to make their business appealing to clients. Not specifying policies clearly Employers sometimes fail to create a dedicated handbook that explains the establishment’s policies to parents. It could include late policies, sick policies, pick-up and drop-off policies, and payment policies. Having a handbook ensures the parent is aware of the expectations before enrolling their kids in the program. A streamlined handbook will also help stop parents from creating personal guidelines on how the daycare should function.