6 internet safety mistakes to steer clear of
Internet security is a growing issue amongst people, considering everything is done digitally in today’s age. Buying, selling, and even social connections are now highly dependable on the internet. While this is a crucial part of everyone’s lives, it is also important to be safe in the digital world. And since cybercrime is on the rise, here are some essential tips which can help you from committing some serious internet safety mistakes. Unsecured network The chance of getting on to a free wi-fi network is as exciting as it was years ago. However, using public Wi-Fi can be unavoidable if you are traveling and have not bought the appropriate internet package with your phone carrier. To avoid sensitive data leaks, avoid doing online transactions using this unsecured network. If you wish to browse, try using a VPN or a Virtual Private Network to avoid any data leaks. Weak passwords If you’re wondering why some websites have so many criteria for setting a password for their user login, it is to protect users from putting their account at risk. You will notice this, especially for banking websites where online transactions take place and the user could potentially be at risk of getting hacked or cyber attacked.