5 mistakes to avoid to prevent water scarcity
The growing issue of water scarcity is no secret. With the rise of global warming and the ever-growing demand for natural resources, this problem poses a significant threat to humanity. While governments and other international bodies tackle this at a global scale, there are plenty of steps one can take to avoid water waste at a personal level. Read on to learn about five mistakes to avoid to prevent water shortages and other related problems. Failing to fix leaks Leaks in the showers, faucets, and even the toilet could result in the wastage of over 100 gallons of water per day. Not only can this rack up one’s water bills, but it can also cause significant environmental damage. Start by fixing all the leaks around the house. Not investing in rainwater harvesting Employing sustainable water management techniques at home can also be a great way to save water and reduce one’s bills. One way to do this is by setting up rainwater harvesting equipment. This process can allow the water table to recharge by moving the surface water to groundwater. Those who aren’t keen on setting up major equipment in their homes can invest in a rain barrel or a water butt to collect and conserve rainwater and reduce utility bills.