9 subtle leukemia early warning signs
The white blood cells in the body are responsible for fighting off diseases. These cells usually grow and divide as required by the system. However, those who develop leukemia (a cancer of the blood cells) may have excessive amounts of abnormal white cells produced by the bone marrow. The condition may be fatal if not discovered early. Therefore, here are nine early warning signs of leukemia one should look out for. Fever While fever is a common symptom associated with many diseases, it may occur when cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Most people with cancer will have a fever at some stage because the disease impacts the immune system. To identify if leukemia has triggered cancer, one should check if the illness sets in at night. Experiencing night sweats with no other signs of infection is also an indicator of leukemia. Fatigue A person who develops leukemia may feel tired no matter how much the body is rested. The phenomenon occurs when the abnormal cells use excessive amounts of nutrients to grow and spread. When the nutrients do not replenish as quickly as they are depleted, the body may experience severe fatigue. Pain Chronic pain is one of the most common signs of leukemia.