Ways to plan and lead a cholesterol-friendly life
Cholesterol is a fatty wax substance that the body naturally produces to support certain digestive functions. However, high levels of cholesterol can increase the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and heart problems. There are two main types of it: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Medical professionals refer to HDL as good cholesterol that comes from healthy, organic, and natural food sources while LDL is a bad byproduct of processed foods rich in additives. You must maintain low levels of LDL and high levels of HDL to strike a proper balance and reduce the risk of health complications down the line. This can be done in the following ways. Maintain a proper diet Switch to alternatives that promote HDL in the body. Also, avoid foods that are high in LDL, including red and fatty cuts of meat, such as pork, beef, and lamb. Refrain from having too much butter, egg yolk, cheese, and other highly saturated foods. Processed foods are rich in trans-fats that also increase LDL levels in the body. So avoid eating baked, fried, and processed foods taken from the shelves in the supermarket. Instead, incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, certain fish, and an assortment of healthy nuts.